Effective: November 19, 2020
Account Closing (within first 90 days): $20.00
Account Statements:
Additional Copy of Statement (per month): $7.00
Interim Account Statement: $5.00
Overdraft/Insufficient (NSF) Fees (max of 5 fees daily)
Paid Overdraft Fee*: $30.00
Returned Overdraft Fee*: $30.00
Over-the-Counter Check (per item): $2.00
Photo Copies
Paid Sawyer Item (Bank Check/Money Order): $5.00
Check Copies for Deposited Items (per page): $2.00
*This fee is imposed for overdrafts created by checks, in-person withdrawals, ATM withdrawals or by other electronic means, as applicable. Includes items paid, returned, ACH items for checking and savings accounts per item
**Note: FDIC Insurance does not apply to Safe Deposit Boxes.